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    Congratulations! Two EIC Teams Win the First Prize in the Mobile Application Innovation Contest

    time:December 21, 2021

    Two student teams instructed by Associate Professor Xu Wei at the School of Electronic Information and Communications and Associate Professor Wu Lei at the School of Mechanical Science and Engineering won the first prize in the China Collegiate Computing Contest Mobile Application Innovation Contest on December 12.

    The two mobile applications are Photosing developed by Shi Shengjiu, Sheng Qinqin and Zheng Qingren, and Memory Master developed by Chen Yanan, Zou Ya and Mao Hongqin.

    Photosing is an application assisting music learners to practice. It can recognize the paper music scores through photos and automatically scores the solfeggio of users and gives feedback on the pitch and rhythm. The application integrates the algorithm of visual artificial intelligence and audio artificial intelligence. Since it recognizes scores through taking photos, it will not infringe copyright.

    Memory Master is an application helping students memorize. It incorporates the functions of Apple Pencil, Avspeech and Vision in the original framework of iOS and can help students manage their memorizing tasks. Based on the memory theory of Hermann Ebbinghaus and in light of the facts that the memorizing tasks are diverse, the functions like free input, scientific memorizing and automatic management are developed. Users can let the application to help them manage the tasks and make scientific review plans.

    China Collegiate Computing Contest Mobile Application Innovation Contest aims to promote the reform of teaching content and teaching methods of college computing courses, improve students ability of analyzing and solving problems by using computers, especially the ability of designing and developing mobile applications, and cultivate students team-work ability. It also aims to improve the quality of college mobile application development courses and promote the academic exchange among universities and colleges. The contest, co-hosted by Apple Inc. and Zhejiang University, is the only iOS mobile application development contest for college students that is listed in the national college disciplinary competition list by China Association of Higher Education.

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