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    Professor Xiao Yong Delivered a Speech at ITU AI for Good Summit

    time:December 14, 2021

    On December 9, 2021, representing China International Joint Research Center of Green Communications and Networking,  (hereinafter referred to the center ), Professor Xiao Yong from the School of Electronic Information and Communications at HUST attended the AI for Good Summit hosted by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and delivered a speech in the panel discussion themed on Living with AI: past, present and future. In his speech, Professor Xiao Yong first emphasized that traditional AI technology only focuses on improving the accuracy of AI model, but ignores many effects of model training on environment and energy efficiency, which will lead to the unsustainable development of AI technology in many fields like communication network. Then, he introduced the achievements made by the center in the energy efficient network intelligence technology and the centers plan.

    Following the purpose and requirements of the United Nations, ITU and its partners launched an annual summit “AI for Good, aiming to solve the challenges faced by AI and to facilitate the development of AI technology. Due to the COVID-19, 2021 AI for Good Summit was held online. The summit has invited leaders of the UN such as Zhao Houlin, Secretary General  of ITU, Tedros, Secretary General of WHO, and many top experts on AI like experts from Harvard University and University of Oxford to discuss the application of AI, aiming to realize the purpose of sustainable development of the UN.


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