On December 9, CSIG released the list of winners of CSIG awards for natural science, technological invention and scientific and technological progress. The project of Professor Yang You’s team “Multiview Video Acquisition, Processing and Transmission Methods and its Device” win the second prize of the CSIG award for technological invention.

Professor Yang You’s team has long been engaged in the research on visual perception and computing. With the support from the Key R &D Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the project solves multi-dimensional vision problems with multiview methods. The team carried out multi-disciplinary research and developed the key technology of collection, processing and transmission of multiview and multi-modal visual information.
The main highlights of this project include: (1) the methods of correcting time-domain difference of phase signal, pixel optical flow time-domain transmission and progressive multiview video registration are developed to realize multi-modal calibration and structured representation of large-scale camera array data with free position in three-dimensional space; (2) The coupling calculation method co-driven by model-data is developed, realizing hybrid computing of multiview and multi-modal data; (3) the optimized coding method of multiview videos, the optimized screening model of multiview video data, etc., are developed to reduce the resource cost of of multiview and multi-modal hybrid computing; (4) The multi-channel emergency fusion communication technology is developed to realize high bandwidth and high reliability under extreme communication conditions and to establish a new transmission mechanism for multiview and multi-modal data service.