Name: Caiming Qiu
Academic Title: Professor
Email: caiming@hust.edu.cn
Research Interests:
wireless communications and networks, wireless (and remote) sensing, big data analytics, and smart grid systems
Ph.D., Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York University (former Polytechnic University, “Brooklyn Poly”), Electrical Engineering, 1995
M.S., Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York University (former Polytechnic University, “Brooklyn Poly”), Electrical Engineering, 1993
M.S., University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Electromagnetic Engineering and Microwave Technology, 1990
B.S., Xidian University, Electrical Engineering, 1987
Employment and Working Experience:
2020-Present, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Professor, School of Electric Information and Communications
2008-2016, Tennessee Technological University.
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;
Director, Cognitive Radio Institute (founded by the Congressional Plus up through the ONR);
Founding Coordinator, Smart Grid (9 faculty members and research engineers), TTU College of Engineering Strategic Research Areas;
Founding Coordinator, Networking and Sensing —now “Big Data” (9 faculty members and research engineers), TTU College of Engineering Strategic Research Areas; Web Site: http://www.tntech.edu
Director, Research Center for Big Data Engineering and Applications School of Electrical and Information Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Selected Publications:
1) R. C. Qiu, Massive MIMO and Big Data, John Wiley, 200 pages, 2015, commitment.
2) R. C. Qiu and P. Antonik, Smart Grid and Big Data: Theory and Practice, John Wiley, 500+ pages, 2014.
3) R. C. Qiu and M.C. Wicks, Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data, Springer, 623 pages, 2013.
4) R. C. Qiu, Z. Hu, H. Li, and M.C. Wicks, Cognitive Radio Communication and Networking: Principles and Practice, John Wiley, 514 pages, 2012.
5) S. Shen, R. C. Qiu, M. Guizani, T. Le-Ngoc, (Edited), Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communica-
tions, John Wiley, March 2006. (Google citations: 122)
Book Chapters
1) R. C. Qiu, “UWB Wireless Communications,” Book Chapter, in “Design and Analysis of Wireless Networks”, Edited by Prof. Yi Pan and Prof. Yang Xiao, Nova Science Publishers, Singapore, June 2004.
2) R. C. Qiu, “Propagation Processes for UWB Signals,” Book Chapter, “UWB Wireless Com- munications,” Edited by Thomas Kaiser (Germany), Eurasip, June 2006.
3) R. C. Qiu, “Pulse Propagation and Modeling,” Book Chapter, “Ultra-wideband Wireless Com- munications,” Editors: S. Shen, R. C. Qiu, M. Guizani, T. Le-Ngoc, John Wiley, 2006.
4) R. C. Qiu, X. Shen, M. Guizani, and T. Le-Ngoc, “Introduction,” 11 pages, Editors: S. Shen,
R. C. Qiu, M. Guizani, T. Le-Ngoc, John Wiley, 2006.
5) N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, Q. Zhang, B. M. Sadler, Z. Hu, P. Zhang, Y. Song, C. M. Zhou, “Time Reversal for Ultra-wideband Communications: Architecture and Test-bed,” in Handbook on Sensor Networks, Yang Xiao, Hui Chen, and Frank H. Li, Eds., World Scientific Publishing Co., 2009.
6) Robert C. Qiu, “Physics-Based Channel Models and Fundamental Limits”, in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks, Yang Xiao, Ed., Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group,
Journal Papers
1) Xin Shi, Robert Qiu, Zenan Ling, Fan Yang, Xing He, “Spatio-Temporal Correlation Analysis of Online Monitoring Data for Anomaly Detection in Distribution Networks”, accepted by smart grid, IEEE trans on.
2) X. Xu, X. He, Q. Ai and R. C. Qiu, “A Correlation Analysis Method for Power Systems Based on Random Matrix Theory,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1811-1820, July 2017.
3) X. He, Q. Ai, R. C. Qiu, W. Huang, L. Piao and H. Liu, “A Big Data Architecture Design for Smart Grids Based on Random Matrix Theory,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 674-686, March 2017.
4) L. Chu, F. Wen, L. Li and R. Qiu, “Efficient Nonlinear Precoding for Massive MIMO Downlink Systems with 1-Bit DACs,” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
5) L. Chu, R. Qiu, X. He, Z. Ling and Y. Liu, “Massive Streaming PMU Data Modelling and Analytics in Smart Grid State Evaluation based on Multiple High-Dimensional Covariance Test,” in IEEE Transactions on Big Data, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 55-64, 1 March 2018.
6) F. Wen, P. Liu, Y. Liu, R. C. Qiu and W. Yu, “Robust Sparse Recovery in Impulsive Noise via l1 − l2 Optimization,” in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 105-118, 1 Jan.1, 2017.
7) B. Wang, R. C. Qiu and Y. Zhao, “Distributed Source Detection With Dimension Reduction in Multiple-Antenna Wireless Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.66, no. 4, pp. 2966-2980, April 2017.
8) F. Wen, L. Chu, P. Liu and R. C. Qiu, “A Survey on Nonconvex Regularization-Based Sparse and Low-Rank Recovery in Signal Processing, Statistics, and Machine Learning,” in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 69883-69906, 2018.
9) G. Lu, J. Wu, R. C. Qiu and H. Ling, “Analysis on the Empirical Spectral Distribution of Large Sample Covariance Matrix and Applications for Large Antenna Array Processing,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 30135-30141, 2019.
10) F. Wen, R. Ying, P. Liu and R. C. Qiu, “Robust PCA Using Generalized Nonconvex Regular- ization,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
11) X. He, L. Chu, R. C. Qiu, Q. Ai and Z. Ling, “A Novel Data-Driven Situation Awareness Approach for Future Grids—Using Large Random Matrices for Big Data Modeling,” in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 13855-13865, 2018.
12) F. Wen, L. Adhikari, L. Pei, R. F. Marcia, P. Liu and R. C. Qiu, “Nonconvex Regularization- Based Sparse Recovery and Demixing With Application to Color Image Inpainting,” in IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 11513-11527, 2017.
13) Z. Ling, R. C. Qiu, X. He and L. Chu, “A New Approach of Exploiting Self-Adjoint Matrix Polynomials of Large Random Matrices for Anomaly Detection and Fault Location,” in IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
14) C. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “Capacity of Massive MIMO Calculated Using Measured Data from 50-Node Testbed,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Letters, submitted for publication, December 2014.
15) X. He, R. C. Qiu, Q. Ai, L. Chu, X. Xu and Z. Ling, “Designing for Situation Awareness of Future Power Grids: An Indicator System Based on Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of Large Random Matrices,” in IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 3557-3568, 2016.
16) X. Li, F. Lin, and R. C. Qiu, “Modeling Massive Amount of Experimental Data with Large Random Matrices in a Real-Time UWB-MIMO System,” arXiv:1404.4078v1, April 15, 2014.
17) C. Zhang, R. C. Qiu, “Data Modeling with Large Random Matrices in a Cognitive Radio Network Testbed: Initial Experimental Demonstrations with 70 Nodes,” arXiv:1404.3788v1, April 15, 2014.
18) S. Hou and R. C. Qiu, “Kernel Composite Hypothesis Testing for Spectrum Sensing,” Manuscrip Draft, 2014
19) F. Lin and R. C. Qiu,“Spectrum Sensing with Small Size Data in Cognitive Radio: Algorithm and Analysis,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., to appear. 10.1109/TVT.2014.2321388, IEEE Early Access Articles.
20) J. Bonior, Z. Hu, N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, P.J. Browning, and M.C. Wicks, Software-defined Radio based Wireless Tomography: Experimental Demonstration and Verification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 175-179, Jan. 2015.
21) S. Hou and R. C. Qiu, “Kernel Feature Template Matching for Spectrum Sensing,” IEEE Trans.Veh. Tech., Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 2258-2271, May 2014.
22) H. Li, C. Chen, L. Lai and R. C. Qiu,“Behavior Propagation in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Social Network Approach,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 646-657, Feb. 2014.
23) Z. Hu, S. Hou, M. C. Wicks, and R. C. Qiu, “Wireless Tomography in Noisy Environments using Machine Learning, ” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No.2, pp. 956-966, Feb. 2014.
24) H. Li, L. Lai, and R. C. Qiu, “Scheduling of Wireless Metering for Power Market Pricing in Smart Grid, ” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1611-1620, 2012.
25) Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, J. P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “A Novel Single-step Approach for Self- coherent Tomography Using Semidefinite Relaxation, ” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 11, No.1, pp. 114-118, Jan. 2014
26) X. Li, Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, Z. Wu, J. P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Demonstration of Cognitive Radar for Target Localization under Interference,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
27) P. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “GLRT-Based Spectrum Sensing with Blindly Learned Feature under Rank-1 Assumption,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, no. 99, pp. 1-10, 2012.
28) H. Li, S. Gong, L. Lai, Z. Han, R. C. Qiu, and D. Yang, “Efficient and Secure Wireless Communications for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1540-1551, September 2012.
29) R. C. Qiu, C. Zhang, Z. Hu, and M. C. Wicks, “Towards A Large-Scale Cognitive Radio Network Testbed: Spectrum Sensing, System Architecture, and Distributed Sensing,” Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 552-566, July 2012.
30) Y. Song, N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, and M. C. Wicks, “Real Time UWB MIMO System with Pro- grammable Transmit Waveforms: Architecture, Algorithms and Demonstrations,” IEEE Trans- actions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, issue 8, pp 3933-3940, 2012.
31) F. Lin, R. C. Qiu, Z. Hu, S. Hou, J. P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Generalized FMD Detection for Spectrum Sensing Under Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 16, issue 5, pp 604-607, 2012.
32) C. Zhou, H. S. Hassanein, R. C. Qiu, and P. Samarati, “Communications and Networking for Smart Grid: Technology and Practice,” International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcast- ing, vol. 2011, Article ID 617624, 2 pages, 2011.
33) K. Ren, Z. Li, and R. C. Qiu, “Guest Editorial Cyber, Physical, and System Security for Smart Grid,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, no. 99, pp. 1–2, 2011.
34) Y. Song, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Implementation of UWB MIMO Time-reversal Radio Testbed,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 796-799, 2011.
35) R. Ranganathan, R. C. Qiu, Z. Hu, S. Hou, M. P. Revilla, G. Zheng, Z. Chen and N. Guo, “Cognitive Radio for Smart Grid: Theory, Algorithms, and Security,” International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting: Special Issue:Communications and Networking for Smart Grid: Technology and Practice, 2012.
36) R. C. Qiu, Z. Hu, G. Zheng, Z. Chen and N. Guo, “Cognitive Radio Network for the Smart Grid: Experimental System Architecture, Control Algorithms, Security, and Microgrid Testbed,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 2, No.4, 724-740, December 2011. (Google citations:44)
37) P. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “Demonstration of Real-time Spectrum Sensing with Blindly Learned Feature,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15, No.5, 548-550, May 2011. (Google citations: 25)
38)P. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, ”Cooperative Wideband Spectrum Sensing for the Centralized Cog- nitive Radio Network,” preprint, 2011.
39) Z. Chen, N. Guo, Z. Hu, and R. C. Qiu, “Experimental Validation of Channel State Prediction Considering Delays in Practical Cognitive Radio,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1314-1325, May, 2011.
40) Z. Chen, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Demonstration of Real-Time Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio (short paper),” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 14, no. 10, pp 915-917, October 2010. (Google citations: 29)
41) R. Qiu, N. Guo, H. Li, Z. Wu, V. Chakravarthy, Y. Song, Z. Hu, P. Zhang, and Z. Chen, “A Unified Multi-Functional Dynamic Spectrum Access Framework: Tutorial, Theory and Multi- GHzWideband Testbed,” Sensors, no. 8, pp 6530-6603, August 2009.
42) J. Ahmadi-Shokouh and R. C. Qiu, “Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Communications Channel Mea- surements, A Tutorial Review,” International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems (IJUWBCS), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 11-31, 2009.
43) C. Zhou and R. C. Qiu, “Pulse Distortion and Optimum Transmit Waveform for Pulse-based UWB Communications,” International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems (IJUWBCS),“ Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 32-48, 2009.
44) C. Zhou, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Time Reversed Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Based on Measured Spatial Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicle Tech- nology, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 2884-2898, July 2009. (Google citations: 54)
45) Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, and D. Singh, “Spectral Efficiency for MIMO UWB Channel in Rectangular Metal Cavity,” JOURNAL OF NETWORKS (JNW), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 42-52, Feb. 2009.
46) N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, and B. M. Sadler, “Reduced-Complexity Time Reversal Enhanced Auto- correlation Receivers Considering Experiment-Based UWB Channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 6, no. 12, December 2007. (Google citations: 67)
47) N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, S. S. Mo, and K. Takahashi, “60-GHz Millimeter-Wave Radio: Principle, Technology, and New Results,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Network- ing, Vol. 2007, pp. 1-8, Jan. 2007. (Google citations: 165)
48) R. C. Qiu, C. Zhou, N. Guo, and J. Q. Zhang, “Time Reversal with MISO for Ultra-Wideband Communications: Experimental Results,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, pp. 269-273, Vol. 5, 2006. (Google citations: 176)
49) C. Zhou and R.C. Qiu, “Pulse Distortion Caused by Cylinder Diffraction and Its Impact on UWB Communications,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 2385-2391, Jul. 2007. (Google citations: 11)
50) R. C. Qiu, “A Generalized Time Domain Multipath Channel and Its Application in Ultra- Wideband (UWB) Wireless Optimal Receiver Design: System Performance Analysis,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 2685-2695, Oct. 2006. (Google citations: 73)
51) N. Guo and R. C. Qiu, “Improved Autocorrelation Demodulation Receivers Based on Multiple- Symbol Detection for UWB Communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 2026-2031, Aug. 2006. (Google citations: 51)
52) R. C. Qiu, J. Q. Zhang, and N. Guo, “Detection of Physics-based Ultra-wideband Signals using Generalized RAKE and Multi-User Detection (MUD),” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 724-730, April 2006.
53)K. Lu, D. Wu, Y. Fang, and Robert C. Qiu, “Performance of An MAC Protocol for High Data Rate Ultra-Wideband Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. , Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 312-320, Jan. 2007. (Google citations: 19)
54)H. Liu, R. C. Qiu, and Z. Tian, “Error Performance of Pulse-Based Ultra-Wideband MIMO Systems over Indoor Wireless Channels,” ,IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp.2939-2944, Nov. 2005. (Google citations: 74)
55)X. Shen, M. Guizani, H. Chen, R. Qiu, and A. Molish, “Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communi- cations, Theory and Applications,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. , Vol. 24, No. 4, APRIL 2006.
56)R. C. Qiu, R. Scholtz, and X. Shen, “Ultra Wideband Wireless Communications: A New Horizon,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Vol. 54, No. 5, Sept. 2005.
57)H. Liu, Y. Song, and R. C. Qiu, “The Impact of Fading Correlation on the Error Performance of MIMO Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 4, No. 5,pp.2014-2019, Sept. 2005.
58)R. C. Qiu, C. Zhou and Q. Liu “Physics-Based Pulse Distortion for Ultra-Wideband Signals”,
IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 1546-1554, Sept. 2005. (Google citations: 54)
59)R. C. Qiu, X. Shen, “Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Wireless Communications for Short Range Communications,” Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, An International Journal for Theory and Applications, Series B: Applications and Algorithms ,Vol. 12, no. 3, June 2005.
60)R. C. Qiu, “Optimum and Sub-Optimum Detection of Physics-Based Ultra-Wideband Signals?A Tutorial Review,” Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (DCDIS) – An International Journal for Theory and Applications (Series B): Special Issue on UWB Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 321-334, June 2005. ISSN 1492-8760. (Google citations: 5)
61)R. C. Qiu, H. Liu , X. Shen, and M. Guizani, “Ultra-Wideband for Multiple Access,”IEEE Communications Mag., pp. 2-9, Feb. 2005. (Google citations: 297)
62)R. C. Qiu, “Generalized time domain multipath channel and its application in ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless optimal receiver-part III: system performance analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 2685-2695, Sept. 2006. (Google citations: 53)
63)R. C. Qiu, “A generalized time domain multipath channel and its application in ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless optimal receiver design-Part II: physics-based system analysis,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 2312-2324, Nov. 2004. (Google citations: 79)
64)R. C. Qiu, “A Study of the Ultra-Wideband Wireless Propagation Channel and Optimum UWB Receiver Design,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), special issue on UWB multiple access communications, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 1628-1637, Dec. 2002. (Google citations: 209)
65)R. C. Qiu and W. Y. Kuo, “WCDMA and CDMA2000 for 3G IMT-2000: Principles and Implementation Part 2,” Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications, Vol. 11, No. 250, pp. 24-32, 2000.
66)R. C. Qiu and W. Y. Kuo, “WCDMA and CDMA2000 for 3G IMT-2000: Principles and Implementation Part 1,” Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications, Vol. 10, No. 249, pp. 29-38, 2000.
67)R. C. Qiu and I. T. Lu, “Multipath Resolving With Frequency Dependence for Broadband Wireless Channel Modeling,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 273-285, Jan. 1999. (Google citations: 82)
68)I.T. Lu and R. C. Qiu, “A Novel High-Resolution Algorithm for Complex-Direction Search,”
J. Acoustics Society of America, Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 288-299, 1998. (Google citations: 34)
69)M. McClure, R. C. Qiu, and L. Carin, “On the Superresolution Identification of Observables from Swept-frequency Data,” IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 631-641, April 1997. (Google citations: 43)
70)R. C. Qiu, S. Z. Liu, and W Lin, “Full Wave Analysis of 2-D Boundary Value Problems with Curved Boundaries by the Method of Lines,” Journal of Electronics, 14 (11), 1992.
71)R. C. Qiu, S. Z. Liu, and W. Lin, “Equivalent Electromagnetic Parameters in Mixture Random Media with Strong Scattering Particles,” Acta Electronica Sinica, Vol.21, No.6, June 1993, pp.6-13.
72)R. C. Qiu, S. Z. Liu , and W. Lin, “Calculating of Effective Electromagnetic Parameters of Random Composite Materials Containing Carbonyl Iron Particles,” Acta Electronica Sinica,z Vol.22, No.9, Sept. 1994, pp.104-107.
73)Robert Qiu, Y. F. Zhang, S. Z. Liu, “Fundamental Characteristic Analysis of Chiral Medium”,
Journal of Microwave, p.32-36, Jan. 1994.
74)S. Z. Liu and R. C. Qiu, “Calculation of Effective EM Parameters of Random Mixture containing Ellipsoidal Particles with Dielectric Coating Layers,” J. Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3, March 1996.
75)R. C. Qiu, S. Z. Liu, and W. Lin, “Theory of Guided Electromagnetic Waves on Chiral Circular Rod Surface,” Chinese Phys. Lett., 9 (8), 1992.
76)R. C. Qiu, W. Ren, and S. Z. Liu., “An Efficient Technique for the Multilayered Microwave and MM Wave Planar Waveguides,” Int’l J. Infrd. & MM Waves, 12 (11), 1991.
77)R. C. Qiu, and W. Lin, “The Recurrence Matrix Technique for the Arbitrary Millimeter and Microwave Planar Transmission Line,” Microwave & Optical Tech. Lett., 4 (12), 534-537, 1991.
78)R. C. Qiu and I. T. Lu, “Analysis of Superconducting Microstrip Lines and Resonators using the Complex Resistive Boundary Conditions and Variational Principle,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 43, No.6, June 1995.
79)R. C. Qiu and I. T. Lu, “Guided Waves in Chiral Optical Fibers,” J. Optical Soc. of Am., Part A, Vol.11, No.12, Dec. 1994. (Google citations: 16)
80)R. C. Qiu and I. T. Lu, “Dispersion in Chiral Optical Fibers,” IEE Proceedings, Part H, Vol. 143, No. 2, April 1997. (Google citations: 6)
Conference Papers
1) F. Wen, P. Liu, Y. Liu, R. C. Qiu and W. Yu, ”Robust sparse recovery for compressive sensing in impulsive noise using p-norm model fitting,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, 2016, pp.
2) R. C. Qiu, “Big Data of a Large-Scale Cognitive Radio Network: Testbed, Data Representation and Analytics,” paper manuscript, 17 pages, October, 2014.
3) R. C. Qiu, “Big Data of a Large-Scale Cognitive Radio Network: Testbed, Data Representation and Analytics,” (Presentation slides published), Wireless Networks for Big Data, Hefei, Anhui, China, September 29-30, 2014. INVITED PAPER.
4) N. Guo and R. C. Qiu, “Robust OFDM Waveform Design Compromising Spectral Nulling, Side-lobe Suppression and Range Resolution,” IEEE RadarCon, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 19-23, 2014.
5) C. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “Wireless Distributed Sensing and Computing in SDR Based Radio Network - Implementation and Applications,” IEEE RadarCon, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 19-23, 2014.
6) Z. Chen and R. C. Qiu, “Measurement Denoising Using Kernel Adaptive Filters in the Smart Grid,” IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics, Shenzhen, China, November 18 - November 20, 2012.
7) X. Li, Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, and M. C. Wicks, “Experimental Demonstration of Cognitive Radar for Target Localization under Strong Interference, ” IEEE Military Communications Conference, Orlando, FL, October 29 - November 1, 2012.
8) F. Lin, R. C. Qiu, J. P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Target Detection with Function of Covariance Matrices under Clutter Environment,” IET International Conference on Radar Systems, Glasgow, UK, October 22- 25, 2012.
9) F. Lin, Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, and M. C. Wicks, “A Combination of Quickest Detection with Oracle Approximating Shrinkage Estimation and Its Application to Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE Military Communications Conference, Orlando, FL, October 29 - November 1, 2012.
10) Z. Chen, C. Zhang, F. Lin, J. Yu, X. Li, Y. Song, R. Ranganathan, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Towards A Large-Scale Cognitive Radio Network: Testbed, Intensive Computing, Frequency Agility and Security,” IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Commu- nications, invited paper, Maui, Hawaii, January, 2012.
11)Z. Hu, M. C. Wicks, and R. C. Qiu, “Wireless Tomography for Sparse Point Targets,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
12)Z. Hu, M. C. Wicks, and R. C. Qiu, “Consensus-Based Wireless Tomography,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
13)Jason Bonior, Zhen Hu, Shujie Hou, Steven Corum, Blake McNew, Nan Guo, R. C. Qiu, and
M. C. Wicks, “Prototyping of a Wireless Tomography System using Software-Defined Radio,”
IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
14)Shujie Hou, R. C. Qiu, James P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio with Subspace Matching,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
15)Shujie Hou, R. C. Qiu, James P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio with Robust Principal Component Analysis,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
16)Z. Hu, R. Ranganathan, C. Zhang, R. C. Qiu, M. Bryant, M. C. Wicks, and L. Li, “Robust Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Joint Spectrum Sensing and Primary User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
17)Xia Li, Zhen Hu, R. C. Qiu, Nan Guo, and M. C. Wicks, “Waveform Diversity for Closed-loop Wide-band Cognitive Sensing System,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
18)Changchun Zhang, Zhen Hu, Nan Guo, M. C. Wicks, R. C. Qiu, and Kenneth Currie, “Cogni- tive Radio Network as Wireless Sensor Network (III): Passive Target Intrusion Detection and Experimental Demonstration,” IEEE Radar Conference 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7 - 11, 2012.
19)Z. Hu, M. Bryant, and R. C. Qiu, “Multi-path SAR Change Detection,” IEEE Radar Conference 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7 - 11, 2012.
20)S. Hou, R. C. Qiu, J. P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Target Detection with Linear and Kernel Subspaces Matching in the Presence of Strong Clutter,” IEEE Radar Conference 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7 - 11, 2012.
21)F. Lin, R. C. Qiu, Z. Hu, S. Hou, L. Li, J. P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Cognitive Radio Network as Sensors: Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Collaborative Spectrum Sensing,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
22)Feng Lin, Xia Li, Zhen Hu, Nan Guo, R. C. Qiu, James P. Browning, and M. C. Wicks, “Real Time Demonstration of Spectrum Sensing with Nonlinear Functions of Covariance Matrices in Extremely Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
23)Shujie Hou, R. C. Qiu, Mike Bryant, and M. C. Wicks, “Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio with Robust Principal Component Analysis,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
24)Nan Guo, James Pogge, Yu Song, Xia Li, and R. C. Qiu, “Measurement Based Total Phase Noise Modeling of Wideband Multichannel Receiver,” IEEE Waveform Diversity and Design Conference 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, January 22 - 27, 2012.
25)R. Ranganathan, R. C. Qiu, S. Hou, and H. Li, “Blind Recovery of Smart Meter Wireless Transmissions Employing Independent Component Analysis in the Presence of Strong Wide- band Interference,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2011, Brussels, Belgium, October 17 - 20, 2011.
26)H. Li, Z. Han, L. Lai, and R. C. Qiu, “Efficient and Reliable Multiple Access for Advanced Metering in Future Smart Grid,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2011, Brussels, Belgium, October 17
- 20, 2011. (Google Citations: 22)
27)J. Yu, C. Zhang, Z. Hu, F. Lin, N. Guo, M. Wicks, R. C. Qiu, K. Currie, and L. Li, “Cognitive Radio Network as Wireless Sensor Network (I): Architecture, Testbed, and Experiment,” IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conference 2011, Fairborn, OH, July 20 - 22, 2011.
28)F. Lin, Z. Hu, S. Hou, J. Yu, C. Zhang, N. Guo, M. Wicks, R. C. Qiu, and K. Currie, “Cognitive Radio Network as Wireless Sensor Network (II): Security Consideration,” IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conference 2011, Fairborn, OH, July 20 - 22, 2011.
29)N. Guo, Z. Hu, J. Bonior, R. C. Qiu, L. Liou, and D. Lin, “Wideband Beamforming with Heavily Imbalanced Channels,” IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conference 2011, Fairborn, OH, July 20 - 22, 2011.
30)J. Pogge, Y. Song, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Ultra-wideband Multichannel Receiver Test Bed,”
IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conference 2011, Fairborn, OH, July 20 - 22, 2011.
31)J. Bonior, M. Renfro, N. Guo, Z. Hu, and R. C. Qiu, “Calculation of Weight Vectors for Wideband Beamforming Using Graphics Processing Units,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
32)Y. Song, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Towards a real-time UWB MIMO testbed for Sensing and Communications,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
33)Z. Chen and R. C. Qiu, “Cooperative spectrum sensing using Q-learning with experimental validation,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
34)Z. Chen and R. C. Qiu, “Prediction of channel state for cognitive radio using higher-order hidden Markov model,” Nashville, TN, March, 2011. (Google Citations: 23)
35)Z. Chen, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Building a Cognitive Radio Network Testbed,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
36)Z. Chen and R. C. Qiu, “Q-Learning Based Bidding Algorithm for Spectrum Auction in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
37)Z. Chen, N. Guo, Z. Hu, and R. C. Qiu, “Channel State Prediction in Cognitive Radio, part I: Response Delays in Practical Hardware Platforms,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
38)Z. Chen, N. Guo, Z. Hu, and R. C. Qiu, “Channel State Prediction in Cognitive Radio, part II: Single-user Prediction,” IEEE SoutheastCon, Nashville, TN, March, 2011.
39)S. J. Hou, Z. Hu, M. C. Wicks and R. C. Qiu, “Phase Reconstruction Using Machine Learning For Wireless Tomography,” 2011 IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, 2012
40)N. Guo, S. J. Hou, Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, “Robust PCA Based Extended Target Estimation with Interference Mitigation,” 2011 IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, 2012
41)H. Li, L. Lai and R. Qiu, “A Denial-of-Service Jamming Game for Remote State Monitoring in Smart Grid,” Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, 2011.
42)S. Gong, H. Li. L. Lai and R. Qiu, “Decoding the Nature Encoded Messages for Distributed Energy Generation in Microgrid,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, May 2011 – Best Paper Award.
43)Z. Chen, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Demonstration of Real-time Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio,” Proceedings of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2010), San Jose, CA, November, 2010. (Google citations: 18)
44)Z. Hu, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Wideband Waveform Design for Relay Cognitive Network,” Proceedings of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2010), San Jose, CA, November, 2010.
45)Z. Hu, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Wideband Waveform Optimization for Multiple Input Signle Output Cognitive Radio with Practical Considerations,” Proceedings of IEEE Military Com- munications Conference (MILCOM 2010), San Jose, CA, November, 2010.
46)Z. Hu, N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, J. Bonior, L. Liou, D. Lin, M. Longbrake, P. Buxa, T. Dalrymple,
S. Hong, S. Hary, and J. Tsui, “Deisgn of Look-up Table Based Architecture for Wideband Beamforming,” 2010 International Waveform Diversity and Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 08-13 2010.
47)Zhen Hu, Nan Guo, Robert Qiu, Jason Bonior, Lihyeh Liou, David Lin, Matthew Longbrake, Peter Buxa, Thomas Dalrymple, Stephen Hary, James Tsui, “Robust Wideband Beamforming,” IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton, OH, July 14-16, 2010.
48)N. Guo, Y. Song, Z. Hu, P. Zhang, J. Q. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “UWB Time Reversal: From Theory to Practice,” IEEE ICUWB 2010, Nanjing, China, September 20-23, 2010.
49)Y. Song, N. Guo, Z. Hu, and R. C. Qiu, “FPGA Based UWB MISO Time-Reversal System Design and Implementation,” IEEE ICUWB 2010, Nanjing, China, September 20-23, 2010.
50)P. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “Wireless Tomography, Part III: Compressed Sensing for Ultra- wideband Signals,” IEEE 5th International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 8-13, 2010.
51)R. C. Qiu, Z. Hu, M. C. Wicks, S. Hou, L. Li, and J. L. Garry, “Wireless Tomography, Part II: A System Engineering Approach,” IEEE 5th International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 8-13, 2010. (Google citations: 18)
52)R. C. Qiu, M. C. Wicks, L. Li, Z. Hu, S. Hou, P. Chen, and J. P. Browning, “Wireless Tomography, Part I: A Novel Approach to Remote Sensing,” IEEE 5th International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 8-13, 2010. (Google citations: 23)
53)H. Li, R. Mao, L. Lai and R. C. Qiu, “Compressed Meter Reading for Delay-sensitive and Secure Load Report in Smart Grid,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2010, Gaithersburg, MD, October 4-6, 2010. (Google Citations: 56)
54)H. Li, L. Lai and R. C. Qiu, “Communication Capacity Requirement for Reliable and Secure State Estimation in Smart Grid,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2010, Gaithersburg, MD, October 4-6, 2010.
55)H. Li and R. C. Qiu, “A Graphical Framework for Spectrum Modeling and Decision Making in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
56)H. Li and R. C. Qiu, “Need Based Communication for Smart Grid: When to Inquire Power Price?” accepted by IEEE Conference on Global Communication (Globecom), 2010.
57)R. C. Qiu, Z. Chen, N. Guo, Y. Song, P. Zhang, H. Li and L. Lai, “Towards A Real-time Cognitive Radio Network Testbed: Architecture, Hardware Platform, and Application to Smart Grid,” invited paper, Fifth IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software-Defined Radio and White Space, Boston, MA, June 21, 2010. (Google citations: 40)
58)Z. Chen, and R. C. Qiu, “Prediction of Channel State for Cognitive Radio Using Higher-Order Hidden Markov Model,” IEEE SoutheastCon 2010, Charlotte-Concord, NC, March 18-21, 2010.
59)Z. Hu, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Wideband Waveform Optimization with Energy Detector Receiver in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE SoutheastCon 2010, Charlotte-Concord, NC, March 18-21, 2010.
60)Y. Song, Z. Hu, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Real-time MISO UWB Radio Testbed and Waveform Design,” IEEE SoutheastCon 2010, Charlotte-Concord, NC, March 18-21, 2010.
61)Z. Chen, Z. Hu and R. C. Qiu, “Quickest Spectrum Detection Using Hidden Markov Model for Cognitive Radio,” IEEE MILCOM’09, Boston, MA, October 18-21, 2009. (Google citations: 10)
62)Z. Hu, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Wideband Waveform Optimization for Energy Detector Receiver with Practical Considerations,” IEEE ICUWB 09, Vancouver, Canada, September 9-11, 2009.
63)A. S. Saini, Z. Hu, and R. C. Qiu, “Spectrum Sensing and Reconstruction for Cognitive Radio,”
IEEE SSST’09, Tullahoma, TN, USA, March 15-17, 2009.
64)N. Guo, Z. Hu, A. S. Saini, and R. C. Qiu, “Waveform-level Precoding with Simple Energy Detector Receiver for Wideband Communication,” IEEE SSST’09, Tullahoma, TN, USA, March 15-17, 2009.(Google citations: 8)
65)P. Zhang, Z. Hu, R. C. Qiu, and B. M. Sadler, “Compressive Sensing Based Ultra-wideband Communication System,” IEEE ICC’09, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 14-18, 2009.(Google cita- tions: 54)
66)N. Guo, J. Q. Zhang, P. Zhang, Z. Hu, Y. Song and R. C. Qiu, “UWB Real-Time Testbed with Waveform-Based Precoding,” IEEE MILCOM’08, San Diego, CA, Nov. 17-19, 2008.(Google citations: 13)
67)Z. Hu, D. Singh and R. C. Qiu, “MIMO Capacity for UWB Channel in Rectangular Metal Cavity,” in Proc of IEEE Southeastern Symposium, Huntsville, AL, USA, 2008.
68)D. Singh, Z. Hu and R. C. Qiu, “UWB Channel Sounding and Channel Characteristics in Rectangular Metal Cavity,” in Proc of IEEE Southeastern Symposium, Huntsville, AL, USA, 2008.(Google citations: 12)
69)R. C. Qiu, B. Sadler and Zhen Hu, “Time Reversed Transmission with Chirp Signaling for UWB Communications and Its Application in Confined Metal Environments,” in Proc of IEEE ICUWB07, Singapore, Sept. 24-26, 2007. (Google citations: 10)
70)C. Zhou, N. Guo, B. Sadler and R. C. Qiu, “Performance Study on Time Reversed Impulse MIMO for UWB Communications Based on Measured Spatial UWB Channels,” in Proc of IEEE MILCOM’07, Orlando, FL, Nov. 16-19,2007.
71)R. C. Qiu, C. Zhou, J. Q. Zhang, and N. Guo, “Channel Reciprocity and Time-Reversed Propagation for Ultra-Wideband Communications,” IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June, 2007.(Google citations: 38)
72)N. Guo, J. Zhang, R. C. Qiu and S. S. Mo, “UWB MISO Time Reversal With Energy Detector Receiver Over ISI Channels,” 4th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 11-13. 2007.(Google citations: 13)
73)N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, and B. M. Sadler, “A UWB Radio Network Using Multiple Delay Capture Enabled by Time Reversal,” IEEE MILCOM’06, Washington, DC, Oct. 23-25, 2006.
74)C. Zhou, N. Guo, and R. C. Qiu, “Experimental Results on Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Time Reversal for UWB Systems in an Office Environment,” Military Communications Conference (MILCOM06), Washington DC, Oct. 2006.(Google citations: 10)
75)C. Zhou and R. C. Qiu, “Pulse Distortion Caused by Cylinder Diffraction and Its Impact on UWB Communications,” IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB06), Boston, MA, USA, Sept., 2006.
76)R. C. Qiu, “A Theory of Time-Reversed Impulse Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Communications (invited paper),” IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB06), Boston, MA, USA, Sept., 2006.(Google citations: 39)
77)N. Guo, J. Q. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “A UWB Radio Testbed-System Design and Implemen- tation,” IEEE 38th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Cookeville, TN, USA, 2006.
78)J. Q. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, “Detection of Physics-based Ultra-wideband Signals Using Gen- eralized RAKE in Presence of Inter-Symbol Interference,” IEEE 38th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Cookeville, TN, USA, 2006.
79)C. Zhou and R. C. Qiu, “Spatial Focusing of Time-Reversed UWB Electromagnetic Waves in a Hallway Environment,” IEEE 38th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Cookeville, TN, USA, 2006.(Google citations: 13)
80)R. C. Qiu, C. Zhou, N. Guo, J. Q. Zhang, “Time Reversal with MISO for Ultra-Wideband Communications: Experimental Results,” Invited Paper, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Diego, CA, 2006.(Google citations: 106)
81)N. Guo, R. C. Qiu, and B. M. Sadler, “An Ultra-Wideband Autocorrelation Demodulation Scheme with Low-Complexity Time Reversal Enhancement,” IEEE MILCOM’05, Atlantic City, NJ, Oct. 17-20. (Google citations: 34)
82)A. E. Akogun, R. C. Qiu and N. Guo, “Demonstrating time reversal in ultra-wideband commu- nications using time domain measurements,” 51st International Instrumentation Symposium, 8-12 May 2005, Knoxville, Tennessee.(Google citations: 47)
83)R. C. Qiu, “Optimum and Sub-Optimum Detection of Physics-Based Ultra-Wideband Signals In Presence of Inter-symbol Interference,” IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, LA, March 2005.
84)R. C. Qiu, “A Generalized Time Domain Multipath Channel and Its Application in Ultra- wideband (UWB) Wireless Optimal Receiver Design: System Performance Analysis,” IEEE WCNC, Atlanta, GA, March 2004.
85)R. C. Qiu, W. Zhu, and Y. Q. Zhang, “Third-Generation and Beyond (3.5G) Wireless Networks and Its Applications,” Invited Paper. ISCAS 2002, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCS), Scottsdale, Arizona, May 26-29, 2002.(Google citations: 27)
86)R. C. Qiu, K. Li, I. Cha, “WCDMA Air Interface Simulations,” CDMA International Conf. (CIC), Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 27-30, 1998.
87)R. C. Qiu, “A Theoretical Study of the Ultra-wideband Wireless Propagation Channel Based on the Scattering Centers,” IEEE VTC98, Ottawa, Canada, May 1998.(Google citations: 21)
88)R. C. Qiu and I-Tai Lu, “Wideband Wireless Multipath Channel Modeling with Path Frequency Dependence,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’96), Dallas, TX, June 23-27, 1996.(Google citations: 37)
89)R. C. Qiu and I-Tai Lu, “A Theoretical Model of Time-Dispersion Multipath Channel for Wide- band CDMA Systems,” IEEE Int’l Conf. on Universal Personal Communications (ICUPC96), Cambridge, MA, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1996.(
90)R. C. Qiu and I-Tai Lu, “A Novel High Resolution Algorithm for Complex-Direction Search,” IEEE Int’l Conf. Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ASSP), Atlanta, Georgia, May 7-10, 1996.Google citations: 8)
91)R. C. Qiu and I-Tai Lu, “A Novel Approach with Superresolution and Ray Frequency De- pendence Trace for Channel Modeling and Applications in CDMA Cellular Systems,” IEEE Wireless Communications Systems Symposium, Wireless Trends in 21st Century, Long Island, New York, Nov. 27-29, 1995. Also appeared in IEEE Professional Program Proceedings ELEC- TRO 96, pp. 209-114, Somerset, NJ, 30 April-2 May 1996.
92)R. C. Qiu and I-Tai Lu, “Modeling the Indoor Radio Propagation Channel using the High Resolution DSP Algorithms,” 6th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 95), Toronto, Canada, September 27-29, 1995.Google citations: 6)
93)I-Tai Lu, R. C. Qiu, and J. Kwak, “Complex-Direction Search of Radio Propagation in Micro Cells,” USNC/URSI, National Radio Science Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1996.
94)R. C. Qiu and I-Tai Lu, “A Novel High-Resolution Algorithm for Ray Path Resolving and Wireless Channel Modeling,” IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 28, 1995.Google citations: 7)
1) R. C. Qiu, “Method and system for Doppler frequency estimation,” Granted US Patent, Patent #: 6785351, 08/31/2004. (Google Citations: 2)M. Lu, R. Qiu, P. Zhu, “Method and apparatus for Multi-layer resource management in wireless communication system,” Granted US Patent, Patent #: 6785227, 08/31/2004. (Google Citations: 34).
3) M. Jiang and R. C. Qiu, “Method of improving user access performance by adjusting power of user probe signal,” Granted US Patent, Patent #: 6631123, 10/07/2003. (Google Citations: 21).
4) R. C. Qiu, “Long-Range Prediction of Fading Signals for WCDMA High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA),” US Patent App. 09/892,187, European Patent EP1410525. (Google Citations: 12).
5) R. C. Qiu, “On Adaptive Pilot/Traffic Channel Power Control for 3GPP WCDMA,” European Patent EP1354433, Canadian Patent CA 2436042.
6) R. C. Qiu, C. Weaver, K. Li, T. Chen, M. Meyers, “A Channel Assisted Power Control Technique,” European Patent EP1182798.
7) R. Qiu, T. Chen, M. Meyers, “Power control with smart step size based on channel parameter measurements,” EP Patent 1,180,854.
8) S. Mo, N. Guo, R.C. Qiu, K. Takahashi, S. Fujita, “Method and apparatus for processing communication using different modulation schemes,” US Patent App. 11/707,530. (Google Citations:
1) Associate Editor (2013-present), IEEE Access.
2) Associate Editor (2004-2012), IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology
3) Editorial Board, Wireless Communications Mobile Computing (Wiley)
4) Editorial Board, International J. Sensor Networks
5) Editorial Board, International J. Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems