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    Team of Optical Product Line from Huawei Visited EIC

    time:July 30, 2021

    On July 22, Zhu Xiaoyong, Vice-president of optical product line of Huawei, and his colleagues visited the School of Electronic Information and Communications (EIC) and carried out in-depth exchange with research groups from EIC. Professor Qiu Caiming, Dean of EIC, presided over the meeting, and a number of teachers and students from EIC also attended the meeting.

    First, Qiu Caiming extended warm welcome to the experts from Huawei. He pointed out that EIC has always maintained close collaboration with Huawei, adding that not only do a large number of graduates of EIC choose to work in Huawei every year, but also EIC has close research cooperation with Huawei in the communications field, and looked forward to deeper cooperation with the Huawei team developing optical products.

    An in-depth discussion on the challenges and opportunities faced by artificial intelligence method in light perception and communications was held.

    Professor Liu Qiong from EIC gave a presentation on space intelligent perception and multimodal fusion. He introduced the depth perception and construction of three-dimensional structure. The single dimensional detection waveform signals can be transformed into images and videos, which is convenient for the better neural network to process. Moreover, Liu Qiong also introduced the achievements made by his lab in multimodal fusion calculation.

    Associate Professor Wang Xinggang from EIC gave an presentation on weakly supervised and highly efficient object detection and segmentation. The technology of automated machine learning based on neural architecture search has aroused the interest of the team studying machine learning from Huawei. Moreover, Wang Xinggang pointed out EIC and Huawei can further cooperate in the application of artificial intelligence technology, for example, the research results achieved by EIC and Tongji Medical College of HUST in the intelligent analysis of medical  imaging can be applied by Huawei which is also carrying out research on intelligent medical sensing.

    Professor You Xinge, Director of National Anti-counterfeit Engineering Research Center, introduced the achievements made by his team in multispectral image processing and anti-counterfeit, zero-shot learning and other fields, which can serve as the theoretical basis to help Huawei apply those technologies to optical products.

    At the end of the meeting, Qiu Caiming delivered a speech themed on the theory and application of next generation intelligent communication. He pointed out that the research method that integrating random matrix and deep learning possesses great potential. Therefore, EIC plans to cooperate with Huawei in applying the method integrating communications big data and artificial intelligence to solve more practical problems and further enlarge the applied research area of EIC.

    At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views cordially. Through the presentations of the teachers from EIC, the research teams from Huawei have gained more knowledge of the achievements made by EIC in the field of artificial intelligence, many of which take a lead in the world. This meeting enables EIC to promote the cooperation with leading corporations in jointly carrying out high-level scientific and technological research and solving bottleneck problems.

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