Name: Kun Liang
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Signal and Information Processing, Infrared Imaging and Image Processing, Embedded Hardware Development
Ph.D degree, Communications and Information Theory, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2005-2008
B.Sc degree, Communications Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1998-2002
Employment and Working Experience:
Associate Professor, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2012-present
Lecturer, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2009-2012
Electronic Test and Experiment (Ⅱ), Signal and Linear System
Selected Publications:
1. Analysis of Rayleigh-Brillouinspectral profiles and Brillouin shifts in nitrogen gas and air.OpticsExpress, (2014, 1), 22(2), 2090-2104
2. Accuratemeasurement of high resolution spectrum obtained by F–P etalon andICCD.Applied Physics B,(2014,9),116(3), 575-584
3. Experimental analysis on calibration of the instrument broadening in lidarsystem with Fabry-Perot etalon. Journal of ModernOptics, (2014,1), 60(21), 1968-1976
4. Processing Method of Spectral measurement using F-P etalon and ICCD.OpticsExpress, (2012,8), 20(17), 18568-18578
5. Precisemeasurement of Brillouin scattering spectrum in the ocean using F–P etalon and ICCD. Applied Physics B, (2011,11), 105(2), 421-425
Awards and Honors:
First Prize in the Award for Scientific and Technological Progress of Hubei Province, Research on key technologies of high performance infrared imaging and its application, 2013
First Prize in the Award for Scientific and Technological Progress of Hubei Province, Interactive TV system based on hybrid network of HFC and IP, 2009