Qimin Cheng

time:June 4, 2021

Name: Qimin Cheng

Academic Title: Associate Professor

Email: chengqm@hust.edu.cn


Dr. Qimin Cheng is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Electronic Information and Communications at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. She received her PhD Degree in Remote Sensing at Aerospace Information Research Institure, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2004.Sheworked as a research associate in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) from Aug. 2004 to Aug. 2005, a visiting scholar at the Buffola State College from July 2013 to Aug. 2014.

Research Interests

Multimedia information processing and analysis, especially Image annotation, Image retrieval, Remote sensing images analysis and understanding, Image caption, Deep learning etc.

Research Grants

National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFB0502603). (2018/05-2022/04)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41771452).(2018/01-2021/12)

Selected Publications

Cheng Q*, Zhang Q , Fu P , et al. A survey and analysis on automatic image annotation[J]. Pattern Recognition, 79(2018):242-259.DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2018.02.017

Qimin Cheng*, Yuan Xu, Peng Fu, Jinling Li, Wei Wang, Yingchao Ren. Scene Classification of Remotely Sensed Images via Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Networks and an Ensemble Classifier. Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2021. DOI:10.14358/PERS.87.3.295

Cheng Q*, Zhou Y , Fu P , et al. A Deep Semantic Alignment Network for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval in Remote Sensing[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, PP(99):1-1. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3070872

Maoding Zhang,Qimin Cheng*, Fang Luo and Lan Ye, A Triplet Non-Local Neural Network with Dual-Anchor Triplet Loss for High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, February 2021, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing PP(99):1-1, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3058691

Huq M E ,Cheng Q* , Altan O , et al. Assessing vulnerability for inhabitants of Dhaka City considering flood-hazard exposure[J]. Geofizika, 2020, 37(2):97-130. DOI:10.15233/gfz.2020.37.5

W Hou,S Mei,Q Gui,Y Zou,Y Wang,X Deng*,Q Cheng*. 1D CNN-Based Intracranial Aneurysms Detection in 3D TOF-MRA[J]. Complexity, 2020:1-13 DOI: 10.1155/2020/7023754

Z. Shao, W. Zhou, X. Deng, M. Zhang andQ. Cheng. Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Based on Fully Convolutional Network[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13(1):318-328.10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2961634

Linjing Zhang, Zhenfeng Shao, Jianchen Liu andQimin Cheng. Deep Learning Based Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass from Combined LiDAR and Landsat 8 Data. Remote Sens. 2019.6.20, 11(01459):1~17; doi:10.3390/rs11121459

Conference papers

Yan Hu, Yuan Xu, Xiaosong Huang,Deqiao Gan,HaiyanHuang,Liyuan Shao,Qimin Chengand Deng Xianbo, CARNet: Automatic Cerebral Aneurysm classification in Time-of-flight MR Angiography by leveraging Recurrent Neural Networks. CAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Hangzhou, China on June 6th, 2021

Cheng Q*, Shao Z , Shao K , et al. A distributed system architecture for high-resolution remote sensing image retrieval by combining deep and traditional features[C],Proc. SPIE 10789, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXIV, 1078918 (9 Oct 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2323310

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