Name: Yayu Gao
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Email: yayugao@hust.edu.cn
Research Interests: Random access networks, Heterogeneous coexistence wireless networks, Intelligent transportation system, AI+
B.S degree, Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing University, 2009
Ph. D degree, Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 2014
Employment and Working Experience:
Associate Professor, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2019-present
Lecturer, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2017-present, 2014-2019
Fundamentals of Information Theory, Wireless Local Area Networks, Computer Networks Labs
Selected Publications:
1. Chuqiao Yi, Yuliang Wu, Yayu Gao*, Qingguo Du*, "Tandem Solar Cells Efficiency Prediction and Optimization via Deep Learning," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, pp. 2991-2998, 2021.
2. Yayu Gao and Sumit Roy, “Achieving Proportional Fairness for LTE-LAA and Wi-Fi Coexistence in Unlicensed Spectrum,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3390-3404, May 2020.
3. Yayu Gao and Lin Dai, “Random Access: Packet-Based or Connection-Based?” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 2664-2678, May 2019.
4. Yayu Gao, Xinghua Sun, and Lin Dai, “Sum Rate Optimization of Multi-Standard IEEE 802.11 WLANs,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 3055-3068, Apr. 2019.
5. Xinghua Sun and Yayu Gao, “Distributed throughput optimization for heterogeneous IEEE 802.11 DCF networks,” Wireless Networks, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 1205-1215, May 2018.
6. Yayu Gao, Lin Dai, and Xiaojun Hei, “Throughput Optimization of Multi-BSS IEEE 802.11 Networks with Universal Frequency Reuse,” IEEE Trans. Commun, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 3399-3414, Aug. 2017.
7. Yayu Gao, Xinghua Sun, and Lin Dai, “IEEE 802.11e EDCA Networks: Modeling, Differentiation and Optimization,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 3863-3879, July 2014.
8. Yayu Gao and Lin Dai, “Optimal Downlink/Uplink Throughput Allocation for IEEE 802.11 DCF Networks,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 627-630, Dec. 2013.
9. Yayu Gao, Xinghua Sun, and Lin Dai, “Throughput Optimization of Heterogeneous IEEE 802.11 DCF Networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 398-411, Jan. 2013.
Conference Papers
1. Chenming Zhou and Yayu Gao*, "Throughput Optimization of CSMA with Imperfect Sensing," in IEEE ICC, June 2021.
2. Yan Li, Junjie He, and Yayu Gao*, "Intelligent Traffic Signal Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning at Single Intersection," in ACM 7th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ICCAI), May 2021.
3. Hao Yin, Pengyu Liu, Keshu Liu, Liu Cao, Lytianyang Zhang, Yayu Gao, and Xiaojun Hei, NS3-AI: Fostering Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Networking Research, Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), June 17-18, 2020.
4. Yayu Gao, "LTE-LAA and WiFi in 5G NRUnlicensed: Fairness, Optimization and Win-Win Solution," in IEEE Smart World Congress 2019, Leicester, UK, Aug. 2019.
5. Yachao Yin, Yayu Gao*, Sohaib Manzoor, and Xiaojun Hei, “Optimal RTS Threshold for IEEE 802.11 WLANs: Basic or RTS/CTS?,” in IEEE Smart World Congress 2019, Leicester, UK, Aug. 2019.
6. Kazi Md. Shahiduzzaman, Junqing Peng, Yayu Gao, Xiaojun Hei and Wenqing Cheng, "Towards Accurate and Robust Fall Detection for the Elderly in a Hybrid Cloud-Edge Architecture," in IEEE Smart World Congress 2019, Leicester, UK, Aug. 2019.
7. Yachao Yin, Yayu Gao*, and Xiaojun Hei, “Performance Evaluation of a Unified IEEE 802.11 DCF Model in NS-3,” in International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools2018), Chengdu, China, July 2019.
8. Junqing Peng, Yayu Gao*, Xiaojun Hei, Chengwei Zhang, "Low-Latency Guarantee of Wireless Body Area Networking for Fall Detection and Protection," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2019), Taiwan, China, May 20-22 2019.
9. (Best Paper Award 3rd) Shuangfeng Fang, Yayu Gao*, Chengwei Zhang and Xiaojun Hei,"Achieving 3GPP Fairness for LTE-U and WiFi Coexisting Networks in Unlicensed Spectrum" in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taiwan, China, May 2019.
10. Hanni Cheng, Jin Zhang, Yayu Gao and Xiaojun Hei, "Deep Learning Wi-Fi Channel State Information for Fall Detection," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2019), Taiwan, China, May 20-22 2019.
11. Yayu Gao*, Junqing Peng, Yachao Yin, Xiaojun Hei, Di Wu, "Developing Wireless Networking Labs for MOOC Learners on an Online Programming Platform," in IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE2018), Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 4-7 December 2018.
12. Yayu Gao*, Junqing Peng, Yachao Yin, Xiaojun Hei, Xiaoyan Wang, "Improving a Software/Hardware Integrated Computer Networking Laboratory Course," in IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE2018), Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 4-7 December 2018.
13. Shuangfeng Fang, Yayu Gao*, Xiaojun Hei,"Performance Evaluation of Fair Coexistence of LTE-U and Wi-Fi Networks in the Unlicensed Bands," in National Data Communication Conference (NDCC2018), Jiangsu, China, Nov. 2018.
14. Junqing Peng, Yayu Gao*, Xiaojun Hei,"Achieving Quality of Service Guarantee in Partially-saturated IEEE 802.11e EDCA Heterogeneous Wireless Local Area Networks," in National Data Communication Conference (NDCC2018), Jiangsu, China, Nov. 2018.
15. Yachao Yin, Yayu Gao*, and Xiaojun Hei, “Dynamic Tuning of RTS Threshold in DCF networks,” in National Data Communication Conference (NDCC2018), Nanjing, China, Nov. 2018.
16. Yayu Gao, Xinghua Sun, and Lin Dai, "Coexisting 802.11a/n and 802.11ac Clients in WLANs: Optimization and Differentiation," accepted in IEEE ICC 2017.
17. Ze Chen, Ding Fu, Yayu Gao, Xiaojun Hei, "Constructing a low-cost high-density WiFi network testbed," in National Data Communication Conference (NDCC2016), Hebei, China, Sept. 2016.
18. Yayu Gao, Lin Dai, and Xiaojun Hei, “Throughput Optimization of Non-real-time Flows with Delay Guarantee of Real-time Flows in IEEE 802.11e EDCA Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, London, UK, June 2015.
19. Yayu Gao, Xinghua Sun, and Lin Dai, “Achieving Optimum Network Throughput and Service Differentiation for IEEE 802.11e EDCA Networks,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Shanghai, China, Mar. 2013.
20. Yayu Gao, Xinghua Sun, and Lin Dai, “Throughput Optimization of Heterogeneous IEEE 802.11 DCF Networks,” in Proc. IEEE CISS, Princeton, United States, Mar. 2012.
21. Yayu Gao and Lin Dai, “On the Throughput of CSMA,” in Proc. IEEE CISS, Baltimore, United States, Mar. 2011.
Scientific Research Projects:
1. Enterprise Cooperation Project with Nanrui, Principal Investigator, 2020.12-.
2. Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, Principal Investigator, 2020.3-2022.3.
3. Key Research and Development Program of Hubei Province, Partner, 2020.6-2022.12.
4. Enterprise Cooperation Project with Huawei, Co-Principal Investigator, 2020.6-2021.6.
5. Enterprise Cooperation Project on Smart Traffic, Principal Investigator, 2019.12-2020.12.
6. International Cooperation Project with Intel on 5G, Partner, 2019.04-2020.03.
7. National Key Research and Development Program of China, Co-Principal Investigator, 2018.12-2021.12.
8. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal Investigator, 2015.01-2017.12.
Awards and Honors:
1. Second Prize in HUST Teaching Quality Contest, 2020
2. First prize in National Teaching Skills Final Contest for Young Teachers in the Area of Electronic Information, October, 2019
3. First prize in National Teaching Skills Final Contest for Young Teachers in the Area of Electronic Information of Southern China Division, October, 2019
4. First prize in HUST Teaching Skills Contest for Young Teachers.